Tuesday 13 February 2018

ESXi networking commands - Part 1

In this post I am trying for figure out few vSphere networking command that is useful for quick check.

To list all Standard vSwitch present on the Esxi host

# esxcli network vswitch standard list

Add Remove vSphere Standard Switch

# esxcli network vswitch standard

Adding a new vSwitch to Esxi host

# esxcli network vswitch standard add –v=Name of vSwitch
# esxcli network vswitch standard add –v=vSwitch5

Adding a new vswitch with specific number of ports

# esxcli network vswitch standard add –v=vSwitch5  - -ports=256

Note: By default when a vSwitch is created it is created with 128 ports

Configuring Port Group on Standard Switches

Port groups are configured on vSwitch using the command

# esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup

The associated namespace with this command are as shown below:

Create a new portgroup in a standard vswitch

Command to create a new portgroup on a standard vSwitch

# esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add –p= name of port group  –v= Name of vSwitch
# esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add –p=”FT NW”  –v=vSwitch6

To list all the NICS present in Esxi host

The command used to see all the vmnics present on an Esxi Host

# esxcli network nic list

To check properties of a single vmknic

# esxcli network nic get -n vmnic1

Hope this was informative for you.

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With regards,

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